Daniels & McLaren

Physiotherapy is an allied healthcare profession which sees human movement as the foundation for health and well-being.


Cheryl has recently joined Lindsay in the Sandton Medpark practise and together they have over 37 years of combined experience working in the musculoskeletal field of physiotherapy.


They strive to provide high quality care in an environment that is supportive and nurturing.

Meet the Team

Cheryl Daniels

Cheryl completed her BSc physiotherapy degree at the University of the Witwatersrand in 1997. She then went on to complete a post graduate diploma in Manipulative Physiotherapy in 2005 which was the clinical component of the Master’s degree through the University of Brighton in the UK.

Lindsay McLaren

Lindsay McLaren is a registered physiotherapist who completed her BSc Physiotherapy degree at the University of Witwatersrand in 2003. Lindsay remains a member of the Golden Key Society at the University. She received her Post Graduate certificate in Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy (OMT) in 2007.

Our Treatments

We focus on a thorough patient-specific assessment, in order to gain an in-depth perspective into the source of the patient’s pain and all of its contributing factors.


Treatment may include hands-on soft tissue release, joint mobilisation, specific exercise prescription, education, and biomechanical corrections. In addition we offer strapping, dry needling and electrotherapy as adjuncts to treatment when indicated.


Together with the patient we then formulate a strategy to help them recover to their full potential, and empower them to manage their own pain. We strive to provide treatment that is evidence-based and holistic.

Our treatments are 45 minutes to an hour long depending on the complexity of the condition.


We are a cash practise, but patients should be able to recover most of the fee back from their medical aid depending on their individual medical aid cover. A direct claim to the medical aid can be organised upon special request.


We are open from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Weekend appointments are by special arrangement only.

Conditions We Treat

Any pain resulting from illness, age or injury

Back and neck pain


Peripheral joint pain (ankles, knees, hips, wrists, elbows, shoulders)

Post orthopaedic surgery rehabilitation

Jaw pain

Sports Injuries
